Sunday 16 November 2008


We need to play, no matter what age we are. Play is freedom to do what you want, where you want and when you want. Moreover, play implies fun. When people play toys and games, most of them feel fun. In this project, I would like to involved audiences with my jewellery. The interaction between audiences and my jewllery can bring out fun to them. Nowadays, we can see toy as aesthetic in design and art. Does jewellery can be wearable toy? I may say yes. This jewellery allows audiences to involve their creativity, when they play with jewellery. Hence they express their personal style to impress others.

Drawing 1:

Drawing in Computer 1:

Drawing in computer 2:

During the design process, the new idea comming out which involove my culture experience into the deisgn. what is the sample of happy in Taiwan? The answer is YA (See image below ). When we feel happy, we use this sample to present our feeling. So, the design change to another stage.

Drawing YA 1:

Drawing in computer YA 1:

Drawing in computer YA 2:

Drawing in computer YA 3:

Final diesign: